Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Family Session at Home

I had a wonderful time photographing this lovely family in their home. Such precious little people and sweet interactions between all of them. I think there is a very sweet dynamic that takes place when able to capture a family in their own space. Love it! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Family Session

This little family is dear to my heart and I just loved capturing all these sweet moments with them! There is something about young families that melts my heart right now. Maybe because I have little ones of my own, maybe because I feel how quickly time is passing and am so keenly aware that this season will pass quicker than we ever want it too...I'm a little sentimental ; )


Friday, May 2, 2014

Apple Blossoms

It has been a dream of mine for several years now to do a session in the middle of an apple orchard. My sweet friend Heidi made it come to life a few weeks back and let me capture some beautiful moments with her sweet little people and main squeeze, Dave. I've had such a hard time narrowing down favorites. I love them all! : )